REST takes a resource-oriented approach in which the object ( or the noun) takes center stage. REST采取面向资源的方法,方法中的对象(或名词)是最重要的部分。
Wheat fertilization mainly in basal, all organic manure, P and K and half of N fertilizers are applied at plowing, the rest N fertilizer dressed in jointing stage along with irrigation. 小麦施肥主要为基肥,全部有机肥、、和一半氮肥翻地时施入,其余氮肥在拔节期随灌水追施。
Methods The heart rate and blood pressure at rest and certain stimuli of epilepsy patients in interictal stage were assessed with standardized cardiovascular reflex tests. 方法采用经典的测试心血管系统自主神经反射试验来评价癫痫患者发作间期心率和血压在安静状态下和在某种刺激下的变化。
The question is, can we ★ burn off4 the rest of the fossil fuels without damaging the planet to the stage where we can't live on it? 我们能把这些余下的矿物燃料都烧尽而不把地球破坏到我们不能在它上面生存的地步吗?
A recent study of 230 bipc visitors, commissioned by the library, found that 47 per cent were owner-managers of businesses, while the rest were planning to create a company or were at the start-up stage. 最近针对230名商业和知识产权中心访客的调查(受大英图书馆委托)发现,47%是企业的所有者或管理者,其他人则正计划成立公司,或正处于初创阶段。
But the matter does not and cannot rest at this stage. 此外,事情不会也不可能就此打住。
Check the rest of the stage. 检查一下舞台的其他地方。
The rise of new powers – China, India, Brazil and the rest – presaged a much diminished role for Europe on the global stage. 中国、印度和巴西等新一批强国的崛起预示着,欧洲在世界舞台上的重要性将大大减弱。
I'm not tired at the moment but I will need a rest at some stage during the walk. 我现在不累,但在途中我有时会需要休息一会儿。
However, because of many aspects, research for rural dwelling in our country has also rest on static transverse stage. There has no systemic research for dynamic evolution of rural dwelling. 然而,由于各方面因素,我国现今对乡土建筑的研究还停留在静态的横向研究阶段,对于乡土聚落的纵向的动态演变仍然缺乏一个系统的研究。
With the development of signal processing technology, more and more signal analysis methods are applied in EEG signals processing to extract the information in EEG, but most of them still rest on the theory research stage. 目前,随着信号处理技术的发展,在脑电信号处理中已应用了多种信号分析方法来提取脑电信号中所包含的信息,但大多数还是停留在理论研究阶段。
Results All the rest of 11 cases have recovered except 1 patient with advanced stage died from once again hemorrhea on the 6th day after peripheral vessels transfixion of cardia and fundus ventriculus. 结果1例Ⅳ期患者行贲门胃底周围血管缝扎术后第6d再次大出血,抢救无效死亡,其余11例均痊愈。
After the assay of the peroxidase and esterase isoenzymes in the phloem of eight mulberry varieties in rest stage, no relativity is found between the resistance and isoenzymes. 对处于休眠期的八个品种桑树韧皮部的过氧化酶和酯酶同功酶作了分析,未发现抗病性与同功酶之间有相关性。
But now, artificial lighting luminous environment intelligent control is only rest on the concept stage of lighting intelligent control technology, the study how to utilize intelligent means to control luminous environment is nearly blank. 而目前的人工照明光环境智能控制还仅仅停留在照明的智能控制技术这一概念阶段,对如何运用智能的手段合理有效地控制光环境的研究几乎是空白。
The rest cases healed at stage ⅰ. [ Conclusions] The key point for successful gynecologic surgery in diabetics is to use insulin to maintain stable blood glucose during peri operation period. 【结论】糖尿病患者进行妇科手术,围手术期用胰岛素治疗并保持血糖浓度相对稳定,是手术成功的关键。
Finally, the doctrine of the increment benefit relations and the other theories about the regulated objects are still rest on the hypothesis stage, and still need to be validated with the Marxist philosophy method. 最后,增量利益关系论以及其他调整对象理论仍停留在假说阶段,尚需要在以后的实践中运用马克思主义哲学方法进行验证。
2.2% embryos developed in the 4 cell stage in the group which paraffin oil was treated with PBS and the rest stagnated in the 2 cell stage. 覆盖经PBS处理过的石蜡油组,有2.2%的胚胎发育到4-细胞,其余出现严重的退化。
During postovulatory relative rest stage ( 2 of the cycle), no obvious effect by exogenous PGF_ ( 2 α) on the morphology of corpora lutea in formation was found, but progesterone secretion was inhibited, oestrogen secretion was unimpaired; 在排卵后相对静止期(如情期第2天),外源性PGF(2a)对正在形成的黄体形态上没有显著影响,但抑制孕酮分泌,对雌激素分泌没有影响;
The rest of the patients ( 28%) had the symptoms associated with the urinary system. The reactions took place simultaneously with or after PHN. 21 patients ( 84%) were misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at the early stage of disease onset. 内脏反应为反复发作的功能性激惹症状,其中消化系18例占72%,泌尿系7例占28%,与PHN同时或随后发生,早期漏诊误诊21例(84%);
The CTLA-4 expression on T lymphocytes between children with JIA rest stage and normal control was no significant difference, which suggested the abnormal activation of T cells played an important role in pathogenesis of JIA. 静息期CTLA-4在T细胞表面的表达与正常对照无显著差异,提示淋巴细胞的异常活化在JIA的发病中发挥着重要作用。
Way on the limitation of liability is concerned, the status of resident is the amount of the mainstream system, the rest of the way the limitation of liability has been or is being gradually from the stage of history. 就责任限制方式而言,居于主流地位的是金额制,其余责任限制方式已经或者正在逐渐退出历史舞台。
Hypoxic exposure significantly decreased body weight and food intake of rats; In the stage of early restoration, the body weight of rats increased but still had significant differences compared with the control group, the rest stage of restoration remained a decreasing situation. 2. 实验结果如下:1.低氧暴露显著降低大鼠体重以及摄食量;在低氧暴露后恢复饲养阶段前期,大鼠的体重呈现上升趋势但与对照组比较仍有显著差异,恢复后期体重仍呈现下降趋势。